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  • News! New Friend’s Site and also New Dark Mode Color

    Hey friends :)
    So I have found a new friend who has her own website and I added the link on my Friends page!
    If you have a website with a small “friend sites” list too, feel free to let me know ^-^

    I also changed the background color in dark mode because it was annoying the heck out of me. It was grey-ish but a bit too yellow / not blue-ish enough and – well, you know what I mean if you have seen enough websites in dark mode xD Compared to others, it made my eyes feel “ugh” and that’s not what I have it for.

    Sooo, have a good rest of the weekend and see you again soon!

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    Thank you!
Help my adoptables grow:
The Final Outpost

Thank you <3
Adoptables … so manyFavorite Chicken Smoothie Adoptables
Precious Dragons