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  • Tifa Award jetzt auch auf tifaspage!

    Den Tifa Award habe ich vor über 2 Jahren auf deviantART begonnen und fortgeführt, bis ich irgendwie das Interesse an dA verloren habe. Jetzt sind die Einträge auch hier und ich kann mit dem Award weitermachen, wenn sich der Moment ergibt :D

    Want to leave a comment? Click the entry’s link to open the comment box :)
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    Thank you!
  • Tifa Award 26th Aug 2012 – MyungsooLim

    A new Tifa Award – this time for MyungsooLim!

    These are paintings guys, can you believe it?!

    Such a sweet style!

    Hope you like this feature :)
    See you soon! *waves*

    Want to leave a comment? Click the entry’s link to open the comment box :)
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    Thank you!
  • Tifa Award 8th Jul 2012 – DAV-19

    This Tifa Award is for DAV-19!

    Such cute designs ^-^

    These foxes are adorable! <3 Hope you like this feature :) See you soon! *waves*

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    Thank you!
  • Tifa Award 21st Jun 2012 – k3-studio

    A Tifa Award for k3-studio!

    Such cool designs, so playful and skilled at the same time!

    Endless imagination … ^-^

    Hope you like this feature :)
    See you soon! *waves*

    Want to leave a comment? Click the entry’s link to open the comment box :)
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    Thank you!
  • Tifa Award 6th Jun 2012 – notbland

    This Tifa-Award goes to notbland!

    Gotta love the lighting and 3D-ish clean look of those photographs!

    His pictures make me want to buy all the cars he shot … maybe as little toy cars? ;)

    Hope you like this feature :)
    See you soon! *waves*

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    You can also click on “reply” if you would like to react to an exisiting comment.
    Thank you!
Help my adoptables grow:
The Final Outpost

Thank you <3
Adoptables … so manyFavorite Chicken Smoothie Adoptables
Precious Dragons